It was fantastic to see around 500 people come and enjoy our Summer Fest 2024 and celebrate a day of fun at Chestnuts Community Centre.

Activities included tennis coaching, face painting, Zumba and Capoeira demonstrations, art therapy sessions and health checks, as well as the many community stalls and delicious food.  

Here is some of the feedback from residents and partner organisations:

 I am so pleased I came today. I have been able to meet with people I had not seen for over 5 years. Resident.

 I came today with my daughter so she can see what our community is like.  Resident and Father.

 I come to the summer event every year so I can get to meet my friends. I feel isolated since our older people group closed. Older woman.

 This is the best community event I have participated in. Stall holder.

 Just to say what a wonderful event yesterday, and so nice to see so many stalls and community initiatives. Bridge Trustee.

We would like to thank everyone who attended: stall holders, activity providers and local residents, who helped make this such a memorable day!